Dubious evidence
While the Empty
type of the previous counterexample has no values at
all, there are types whose emptiness depends on their parameters. The
canonical example is the equality type, expressible as a GADT in
Haskell or OCaml or as an inductive family in Coq or Agda (among
type (_, _) eq =
Refl : ('a, 'a) eq
data Eq a b where
Refl :: Eq a a
Inductive eq {S : Set} : S -> S -> Prop :=
Refl a : eq a a.
data Eq {S : Set} : S -> S -> Set where
refl : (a : S) -> Eq a a
The type (a, b) eq
witnesses equality: it is nonempty if a
and b
are the same type, and empty if they are distinct. Values of type (a, b) eq
constitute evidence that a
and b
are in fact the same, and
can be used e.g. to turn an a
into a b
For an arbitrary type a
, we have no way of making an (int, a) eq
for all we know a
might be string
. The only way to construct a
value of the eq
type is using Refl
, which demands the parameters
be equal.
In a pure, total language, the existence of an expression of type (a, b) eq
is enough to conclude a
and b
are equal. But in a less pure
language, where evaluation might fail or loop, the mere existence of
an expression with the right type is not evidence enough: we need to
actually run it, to see that it does in fact yield Refl
. Several
type systems have had soundness bugs where evidence of this sort is
trusted without being fully evaluated:
Null evidence
In languages with
, types likeeq
, and unlikeRefl
implies nothing about its type parameters. So, before making use of any evidence we need to verify that the evidence isn'tnull
.The lack of such verification caused a soundness issue in Java and Scala1 (using a type that provides evidence for subtyping, rather than equality):
// Counterexample by Nada Amin and Ross Tate class Unsound { static class Constrain<A, B extends A> {} static class Bind<A> { <B extends A> A upcast(Constrain<A,B> constrain, B b) { return b; } } static <T,U> U coerce(T t) { Constrain<U,? super T> constrain = null; Bind<U> bind = new Bind<U>(); return bind.upcast(constrain, t); } public static void main(String[] args) { String zero = Unsound.<Integer,String>coerce(0); } }
// Counterexample by Nada Amin and Ross Tate object unsoundMini { trait A { type L >: Any} def upcast(a: A, x: Any): a.L = x val p: A { type L <: Nothing } = null def coerce(x: Any): Nothing = upcast(p, x) coerce("Uh oh!") }
Self-justifying evidence
p : (int, a) eq
can be used to construct more evidence thatint
are equal, by seeing thatp
, therefore learning thatint
are equal, and using this information to justifyRefl : (int, a) eq
.OCaml2 had a soundness issue in which it allowed this sort of reasoning in a recursive definition of
, allowingp
to be used as evidence for itself:(* Counterexample by Stephen Dolan *) type (_,_) eq = Refl : ('a, 'a) eq let cast (type a) (type b) (Refl : (a, b) eq) (x : a) = (x : b) let is_int (type a) = let rec (p : (int, a) eq) = match p with Refl -> Refl in p let bang = (* segfaults *) print_string (cast (is_int : (int, string) eq) 42)
Out-of-order evidence
When nontermination is possible, it is important to ensure that the order in which evidence is used matches the evaluation order. Otherwise, it is possible to write an expression that does not terminate, but make use of it before it runs. Such forward references caused a soundness issue in Scala3:
// Counterexample by Paolo G. Giarrusso new { val a: String = (((1: Any): b.A): Nothing): String def loop(): Nothing = loop() val b: { type A >: Any <: Nothing } = loop() }
Time-travelling evidence
Staged metaprogramming allows a program to manipulate program fragments, gluing together an output program from quoted fragments of code. However, it is unsound to allow evidence computed in the future by the generated output program to justify computations now. This caused a soundness bug in Scala's implementation of staged metaprogramming4 and in BER MetaOCaml5:
// Counterexample by Lionel Parreaux import scala.quoted.staging._ given Toolbox = Toolbox.make(getClass.getClassLoader) trait T { type A >: Any <: Nothing } withQuoteContext { '{ (x: T) => ${ 42: x.A } } } // crashes with java.lang.ClassCastException
(* Counterexample by Jeremy Yallop *) type _ t = T : string t let f : type a. a t option code -> a -> unit code = fun c x -> .< match .~c with | None -> () | Some T -> .~(print_endline x; .<()>.) >. let _ = f .< None >. 0
Java and Scala’s Type Systems are Unsound (OOPSLA '16) Nada Amin and Ross Tate (2016)