

Most statically typed object-oriented languages allow a group of related methods to be specified together as an interface (or "trait", "protocol", etc.). Self types are a feature that allows the types in such an interface to refer to the type implementing that interface.

Using self types as method arguments allows precise typechecking of binary methods1 such as equals, where x.equals(y) requires a y of the same type as x. The lack of such types in e.g. Java means that the Object.equals method must usually include a cast that can fail at runtime, as its type allows any other object to be passed.

Using self types as returns allows precise typechecking of methods that return this, or methods that copy the receiving object.

However, the presence of self types breaks some properties of the type system, and unsoundness arises if other parts of the system rely on them.

  • Argument self types break the property that, if a class C has a subclass D and both implement an interface P, then a D can be used anywhere a C is expected. The issue is that P may include a method that accepts a self type, and this method in D works on a narrower class of inputs than the corresponding method in C. (See Subtyping vs. inheritance)

    class c (name : string) =
      object (self : 'self)
        method name = name
        method equals (x : 'self) =
          (name = x#name)
    class d (name : string) (size : int) =
        inherit c name as super
        method size = size
        method equals (x : 'self) =
          (super#equals x && size = x#size)
    let sub (x : d) = (x :> c)
    (* OCaml correctly rejects this coercion:
       despite inheriting from it, d is not a subtype of c *)
  • Returned self types break the property that, if a class C implements an interface P, and subclass D inherits all of its behaviour from C, then D also implements P.

    The issue is that P may include a method that returns Self, which C implements by returning a new C. When this method is inherited by D it still returns C, even though P now requires that it return D. This led to a soundness issue in Swift2, and a related issue in Rust3:

    // Counterexample by Hamish Knight
    protocol P {
      associatedtype X where X == Self
      func foo() -> X
    class C : P {
      typealias X = C
      func foo() -> X {
        return C()
    class D : C {
        var name = "D"
    func foo<T : P>(_ x: inout T) {
      x =
    var d = D()
    print( // crashes
    // Counterexample by Niko Matsakis
    trait Make {
        fn make() -> Self;
    impl Make for *const uint {
        fn make() -> *const uint {
    fn maker<M:Make>() -> M {
    fn main() {
        let a: *uint = maker::<*uint>();
        // we have "produced" a *uint even though there is no
        // function in this program that returns one.

An alternative to self types is to use generic interfaces: instead of an interface Equals\n{Equals} with an equals method accepting a self type, one can use a generic interface Equals[A]\n{Equals}[A] whose equals method accepts an AA, and then write classes C\n{C} that implement Equals[C]\n{Equals}[\n{C}]. This is the approach taken by C#'s IEquatable<T> and Java's Comparable<T>.


On Binary Methods, Kim Bruce, Luca Cardelli, Giuseppe Castagna, The Hopkins Objects Group, Gary T. Leavens, and Benjamin Pierce (1995)