A little knowledge...


The general principle broken by this counterexample is not soundness but monotonicity: given more knowledge about the program, the compiler should do a better job compiling it.

The concrete instance of this principle here is to do with abstract types: if the implementation of a previously-hidden abstract type is exposed, no program that previously typechecked should now fail to.

Violating this property does not cause crashes, but is confusing. Refactoring becomes tricky if loosening abstraction boundaries can cause programs to stop working.

This property does not hold in OCaml, due to an optimisation that uses a special representation for a record containing only floating-point numbers (which are usually boxed in OCaml). Since this representation is incompatible with the normal one, it is possible for a program to depend on the optimisation not being applied:

module F : sig (* Deleting '= float' on the line below makes this program compile *) type t = float end = struct type t = float end module M : sig type t type r = { foo : t } end = struct type t = F.t type r = { foo : t } end